Together in Connection – The Magic of Vulnerability and Compassionate Communication | A Nature Walk in the Snow | Hornisgrinde | Black Forest
A Safe Healing Space full of Connection, Trust and Belonging spending a day out walking in Nature and being curious about the other participants. We will do some activities at the beginning to get to know each other and dive into how to communicate and relate differently in order to create trust, connection and belonging during the whole event.
Share your Challenge
If you like bring a topic that you are struggling with and that you’d be willing to share with the rest of the group.
Theme & Topic
What we are all looking for is connection. Connection to ourselves. Connection with others. And connection to the Source. We all wish to overcome our sense of separation. Which means that connection is also the Healing we are looking for. On a human and relational level we create CONNECTION by meeting others with Humility, Curiosity and Compassion and by seeing and expressing their Potential and acknowledging and validating who they are without wanting to change them.Unfortunately most of our relationships are not motivated by compassion, humility and curiosity but by a part of ourselves that is motivated by fear, lack, feelings of inadequacy and helplessness and that wants to do something to get rid of those feelings and turns everything in the outside wold into objects for that purpose. Our interactions are entirely selfish and we don’t act out of the best interest for the other ones but focus on our own coping mechanisms that make us feel “good”. Often we belittle and humiliate others in our thoughtless way of helping and create disconnection instead of connection.When we reconnect to our feelings and body we stop turning everything else into objects of our neediness and experience the connection we were longing for. With ourselves. With others and with Source. We start acting out of Love and an Inner Abundance and start giving unconditionally without wanting and needing anything in return. We share our Happiness and Abundance with others.
Nature is the place where our nervous systems can naturally calm down. After spending some time out in beautiful spots our minds come to rest. It is the environment where we can feel at ease and be ourselves. Nature doesn’t have any expectations and accepts us the way we are. Therefore it is the ideal setting for the purpose of this event.
The Spirit of the “Together in Connection”
The Spirit we want to give life to on this retreat is to allow a safe space to happen where trust, vulnerability and honesty can arise so that we feel completely held and safe in the group. Like that our nervous system can calm down and start its “Healing Journey” on its own. Our defence, coping and survival mechanisms can come to rest and our true nature and everything we needed to suppress can surface and show itself and is met with understanding, curiosity, kindness, respect and compassion and is welcome, acknowledged and validated without wanting to change anything about it. A space where we can safely be ourselves without anybody trying to change us or make unhelpful comments. An environment we all long for and might not have experienced ever.
All the suffering and misery we create in the world is because in our early days we needed to suppress our feelings and parts of our personality because they were not welcome and our environment didn’t know how to deal with them. In that process we also suppressed our aliveness and started functioning and coping with our inner distress. And then we allowed the outside world to lure us into the belief that we can substitute the connection to those feeling and personality parts and fill our inner void thus created with consumption, success, money, power, fame, distraction, entertainment, relationships, having fun, sex and all kinds of addictions which leads to all the conflicts, wars and destruction we see in the world because it is never enough.
We disconnected from ourselves, our true nature, our inner guidance and also from our gifts and talents and are looking for a substitute in the outside world. The Spirit of this event is to offer the possibility to reconnect to those feelings and personality parts so that we can stop the search in the outside world.
Mindset & Attitude
It is very helpful to embark on this Discovery Journey with a clear intention and the willingness to try to be as open, vulnerable and honest as possible because that by itself is pure magic and creates a great opening. To visualize the whole event as a magical world where miracles can happen and to be open for all possibilities. The belief by itself can move mountains. It is also helpful to let go of all expectations because when we are focussed on a specific outcome we might overlook the presents the Universe has in store for us which might not be what we want but what we need.
What we will do
We will spend a day full of Connection, Light-heartedness, Ease, Adventure and Magic walking in a winter landscape on Hornisgrinde Mountain in the Black Forest. We will do different kinds of activities to build trust and connection among all the participants so that the whole event can become a life changing experience. We will prepare the soil to be fertile ground for the seeds we want to plant. We will practice how to communicate and meet the vulnerability, honesty and openness of the others with understanding, humility, curiosity and compassion so that everybody can feel safe and sure that the groups reactions are helpful and supportive. If you bring a topic you are struggling with you will have the opportunity to share it with the group and some of the other participants and embark on a discovery journey together.
Please bring food and drink for the whole day.
I offer seats in my car from Heidelberg station and along A5. 18 euros per person.
Meeting point | Will be announced after booking |
Target group | Adults |
Participants | Max. 16 |
Event fee | 40 euros, Please get in touch if you need to keep track of your finances for a discount! |
Event facilitation | Oliver |
- ● Event Facilitation and Guidance
Difficulty: |
Distance: | 11,8 km |
Ascent: | 350 m |
Descent: | 350 m |
Minimum Height: | 920 m |
Maximum Height: | 1150 m |
What to bring
● Sporty outfit, adjusted to weather conditions. Please make sure that you are dressed warm enough to stay without moving for some time!!!!
● Hiking shoes or boots with soles that provide good traction
● Lunch, snacks and drink!!!!
● Umbrella, just in case
● Iso mat to sit on