


Oberstdorf, Deutschland
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Aug. 11 - 14 2022


7:00 pm - 8:00 pm



A Magical Experience | Walkshop | Allgäu | Fellhorn Ridge | German Alps | 4 days

Welcome Home!

Where we communicate and relate differently.

Join us for a magical experience full of Connection, Togetherness, Belonging, Light-Heartedness, Ease, Adventure and support from the “more than human world”. The joyful miracle of being in touch with ourselves and each other.

Never before has our world been changing as rapidly as now. And it is very probable that we have never been so disconnected from ourselves and each other before. In spite of all the “connectivity”. Where does that lead? Is this healthy? Do our learned strategies and response patterns still work and create connection or disconnection? What is the solution? I don’t know. But I know what I love to share in order to make this the world I would love to live in. And I would like to encourage you to do so as well. To enrich other people’s lives in your very unique way. And of course your own life, too.

Event Focus:

  • ● Creating Connection in a group process
  • ● Communicating differently
  • ● Relating differently
  • ● In touch with ourselves
  • ● In touch with each other
  • ● Experiencing Nature

Event Topic:

  • ● What is fulfillment?
  • ● Do I live a fulfilled life?
  • ● Can fulfillment be found and achieved?


The event focus is common to all events. The event topic differs from event to event. There will be an instruction on the first day and also a deepening on the following days with different activities. This is not an in-depth workshop but more of a practical field for exploration and practice. For in-depth experiences refer to the “Creating Connection” workshop series.In this process we might gain important insights about ourselves and each other. A process that might open the door to new perspectives and possibilities and might encourage us to enrich more people’s lives once we have learned our very unique way of doing so. There will be activities every morning before we head to a beautiful destination and relate, walk and do some more activities there.


    • Duration:                     4 days
    • Arrival:                        Thursday 11.08.2022 from 19:00 on the Camping site
    • Departure:                  Sunday 14.08.2022 at 9:00 from the Camping site, 16:00 from Fischen
    • Meeting Point:            Camping site
    • Target Group:             Adults
    • Participants:               max. 16
    • Event Fee:                   370 euros
    • Accommodation:       Camping site in tents
    • Event Facilitation:      Oliver
    • Places to visit:           Starzlachklamm, Fellhorn Ridge, Hinanger Waterfall, Neuschwanstein Castle
    • Activities:                   Nature Experience, Authentic Expression ¹, activities to get acquainted, group activities, activities in groups of two


  • ● Event Facilitation and Guidance
  • ● Accommodation
  • ● Entrance Fee Starzlachklamm
  • ● Cable Car Fellhorn
  • ● Food not included
  • ● Transport not included


I offer seats in my car from Heidelberg or along the route. 56 euros per person.

Camping equipment available for rent

Sleeping bag (4 days): 8 euros
Iso mat (4 days): 8 euros
Tent (4 days): 15 euros



Please bring your food for the first day. Breakfast and lunch. There will be a possibility to stop for a couple of minutes to buy food in the morning after leaving the camping site but not for extensive shopping. Also before dinner. There won’t be any possibility to buy food once we are out in nature.



Thursday, August 11, 2022

Arrival from 19:00 o’clock at the camping site. We will be in touch about where to put your tent. We will be stationary at this camping site and drive to the respective starting point every morning. So you can leave your stuff either in the tent or in the car. I wouldn’t recommend leaving valuables in the tent.

Friday, August 12, 2022
      1. 1. 7:30 – 8:00: Breakfast
      2. 2. 8:00: Warming up (getting acquainted)
      3. 3. Introducing ourselves
      4. 4. Instructions for the rest of the trip
      5. 5. Nature Experience ² (Starzlachklamm)
      6. 6. Activity: Authentic Expression ¹ (Starzlachklamm)
      7. 7. Dinner (usually we go out to have dinner but that is at your discretion)


Video Starzlachklamm:

Difficulty Starzlachklamm Experience:
Distance: 10 km
Ascent: 460 m
Descent: 460 m
Minimum Height: 770 m
Maximum Height: 1010 m
Saturday, August 13, 2022
  1. 1. 7:00 – 7:30: Breakfast
  2. 2. 7:30: Compassionate listening
  3. 3. Morning Circle
  4. 4. Instructions for the day
  5. 5. Nature Experience ² (Fellhorn Ridge)
  6. 6. Activity in groups of two (Fellhorn Ridge)
  7. 7. Dinner (usually we go out to have dinner but that is at your discretion)
  8. 8. Group activity
Difficulty Fellhorn Experience:
Distance: 10 km
Ascent: 480 m
Descent: 480 m
Minimum Height: 1710 m
Maximum Height: 2000 m
Video Fellhorn Ridge:

Sunday, August 14, 2022
  1. 1. 7:00 – 7:30: Breakfast
  2. 2. 7.30: Compassionate listening
  3. 3. Morning circle
  4. 4. Authentic Expression ¹
  5. 5. Instructions for the day
  6. 6. We pack our stuff and leave the camping site
  7. 7. Nature Experience ² (Hinanger Waterfall)
  8. 8. Guided Meditation: Who or what in me is unhappy? (Hinanger Waterfall)
  9. 9. Departure to Neuschwanstein Castle, visit to the viewpoint
  10. 10. Departure back home
Difficulty Hinanger Waterfall Experience:
Distance: 12 km
Ascent: 300 m
Descent: 300 m
Minimum Height: 750 m
Maximum Height: 990 m
Video Hinanger Waterfall:


Video Neuschwanstein Castle:


¹ Authentic Expression is a way of expressing ourselves about what is happening right here right now on our physical, emotional and mental level and assuming responsibility for everything without making outer circumstances responsible for that. At the same time we express in a way that creates a distance and disidentifies with what we express. It makes clear that we are not our bodily sensations, our emotions and thoughts but a lot more. It gives space for everything to just be. It is not about telling stories, talking about problems or other people. But we might share our inner reactions to our environment, problems and other people.² We will walk for the rest of the day with interruptions for activities and the invitation is to be as curious about each other as possible and find out what each other’s lives are about. And maybe our own one. This is not about fixing each other but about offering a safe space for expression and thus creating a favourable environment to connect with our own inner wisdom.

What to bring: