Step into the Flow | Berchtesgadener Land | German Alps | 4 days
This is not just a simple hike and not exactly a workshop either.
Characteristic is that there will be dedicated guided spaces every morning for creating connection with the other participants.
And the whole event will be for exchange and sharing.
And yes, we will walk.
Step into the flow events are designed to reconnect with the feeling of flow, light-heartedness and ease in these troubled times.
Many people are living in fear about their future due to the present situation. There might be a thousand different triggers for it.
Others might be really fed up.
Yet others might feel the urge to act.
Experiencing a day full of light-heartedness and ease in a safe, welcoming and nourishing group where we can be just who we are and our words and feelings are witnessed and honoured together with what is alive in us in the very moment can help us reconnect with our own intuition and bring inspiration and with it solutions and a different perspective and attitude.
The two most healing words are probably “me too” when other people tell us that they know what we are going through, that they are or have been at a similar point and confirm that nothing is wrong with us. That we are ok the way we are without belittling comforting, advising “away” our present state because it feels uncomfortable and difficult to bare. When we are met with understanding, curiosity and empathy.
Join us and let’s “Step into the flow”.
Video Berchtesgadener Land:
Event fee: 330 euros
3 nights at a camping site
Boat trip on Königsee
Entrance fee to Wimbachklamm
Cablecar up to Jenner
No food.
No transport.
Camping equipment available for rent: 4 people tent, inflatable isomat, sleeping bag for 30 euros for the whole trip.
Friday October 1:
We will meet at Heidelberg station at 6:00 in front of McDonalds. Optionally I could pick you up at home if you can’t manage with your tent and camping stuff. Then we will head for the camping site and build up our tents or at least lay out our tarps to reserve the spots. Then we will head for the first nature experience.
Some impressions:
Ramsau to Wimbachklamm (Wimbach Gorge)
View on the famous St. Sebastian Church and Bridge
Kneip bath Ramsau
Waterfall Bridge
Spot to have a bath in the Gorge
Wimbach Valley
Great view
Distance: 10,5 km
Ascent: 350 m
Descent: 340 m
Maximum Height: 930 m
Mimimum Height: 630 m
Saturday Octobber 2:
Drive to Königsee
Boat tour to St. Bartolomä Church
Hike to St. Bartolomä Church
Schrainbach Waterfall
Back to St. Bartolomä Church
Boat tour to Salet
Great view on Watzmann Easter Face (2nd highest mountain in Germany after Zugspitze)
Nameless Waterfall
Röthbach Waterfall (Hightest Waterfall in Germany)
Distance: 12 km
Ascent: 360 m
Descent: 360 m
Maximum Height: 720 m
Mimimum Height: 600 m
Sunday October 3:
Jenner Loop
Car ride to Königsee
Cablecar up to Mittelkaseralm
Beautiful Hut
Good view on Watzmann
Great view on Untersberg
Distance: 11 km
Ascent: 720 m
Descent: 720 m
Maximum Height: 1830 m
Minimum Height: 1130 m
Monday October 4:
Hintersee & Suspension Bridge
Pack our stuff and leave the camping site
Drive to Hintersee
Great view on the Ramsau Dolomites
Hirschbichl Suspension Bridge
Klausbachtal Suspension Bridge
Mega Landscape
Distance: 10 km
Ascent: 120 m
Descent: 120 m
Maximum Height: 910 m
Minimum Height: 790 m
I offer 4 seats in my car from Heidelberg, Mannheim and Viernheim. 44 euros per person. If you are interested please get in touch: +491624533588
Meeting point and Camping site:
Will be announced after booking.
What to bring:
ATTENTION: Experience has shown that on events longer than 4 days conflicts are likely to surface.
Conflicts have an enormous potential for personal growth if we take responsibility for our emotions and feelings and get in touch with our needs.
Even if this is only a 4 day event by signing up we agree to take responsibility for our feelings or at least are willing to do so without accusing, blaming or attacking other participants and are willing to settle conflicts in a group setting if the conflict affects the whole group or if one of the involved parties wishes so.
Also in the group setting nobody is blamed, attacked or accused while the facts can be expound without judgement towards any other party.