Circling, Authenticity, Connection, Authentic Relating, Radical Honesty & Nature Retreat | Cinque Terre | Italy | 6 days
Circling Documentary
Theme & Topic
Circling is an activity where we connect to our body and feelings and explore our own and each other’s inner world and pay attention to what is happening inside us moment to moment. It is about being curious and not trying to fix or heal each other. It is about getting what it feels like to be you in all detail. A byproduct is that it brings up a lot of suppressed feelings and erroneous beliefs about ourselves and the world while that is not the objective. It is a space where we feel seen and heard and can authentically express what is alive in us.
What we all are most longing for is connection. But how do we go about creating real connection? How do we relate and communicate to bring out the best in the people we are with? How can we support each other to access and liberate our whole potential? The spirit of these questions will be with us during the whole trip to be explored.
Authenticity means to be in touch with our gut feelings and act and speak accordingly. The outside reflects the inside. The objective of these events is to get back in touch with our gut feelings as much as possible but having already arrived there is not a requisite.
Communicating and Relating differently
Our default way of communicating and relating keeps us trapped in our conditionings since it does not allow for modifications of our inner world and automatic response patterns. Or better said our inner world can’t return to its original state or true nature. Communicating and relating differently allows what is alive in us which can lead to transformation, integration and free our full potential.
What we will do
We will spend 6 days full of Connection, Light-heartedness, Ease, Adventure and Magic in the Cinque Terre area in Liguria, Italy. The first day there will be an introduction to circling and in the late afternoon we will head to the Cinque Terre area and visit the villages and also explore nature by walking to the next villages. The other mornings we will gather in the circle and do some circling activities and explore what it feels like to be us and discover each other’s world. In the early afternoon we will head to the Cinque Terre villages again. Be aware that we might be walking for about 10 km every day. There is no fixed schedule and we will decide spontaneously. The idea is to make this an easy going and relaxing experience. No stress or hurries.
I will facilitate this event on my own so not everybody can be circled during this event.
Amanita Muscaria
Amanita Muscaria is the Fly Agaric Mushroom. Yes the red one with the white dots. It has been said to be highly poisonous but that couldn’t be further from the truth. It has very beneficial qualities like: Reconnecting our neural networks, reducing the influence of the reptilian brain (brain stem) by 25 and therefore reducing fear, fight, flight and freeze. It is also very useful in cases of stress and depression and can bring great relief. It is supposed to be taken as a micro dose of 0,3 gram every morning and evening. It has no tripping effect in such a small portion.
We will stay on a beautiful camping site in a foresty area under trees which we will most probably have completely on our own.
Please try to bring some food for the first day. There will be the opportunity to buy food in a nearby convenience store. For dinner we will usually go to a restaurant.
Please get in touch if you’d like to join my car for price and about pick up possibility. If you arrive by public transport you will need a seat in a car to get to Cinque Terre after the activities.
Duration | 6 days |
Arrival | Thursday 11.04.2024 at the camping site |
Departure | Tuesday 16.04.2024 from the camping site |
Meeting point | Camping site |
Target group | Adults |
Participants | Max. 16 |
Event fee | 748 euros, Please get in touch if you need to keep track of your finances for a discount! |
Accommodation | Camping site |
Event facilitation | Oliver |
Places to visit | Cinque Terre |
Activities | Nature Experience, activities to create connection, compassionate listening, circling |
- ● Event Facilitation and Guidance
- ● Accommodation
- ● An optional micro dose of 0,3 grams of Amanita Muscaria in the morning and the evening
- ● Train tickets for transport between the Cinque Terre villages
Thursday, April 11, 2024
We will meet at the camping site from 19:00. There will be no program apart from arriving and accommodating ourselves.
Friday, April 12, 2024
Circling and visit to Cinque Terre
- • 1. 9:00 Meeting in the circle• 2. 14:00 Lunch on the camping site with food we have brought or bought• 3. Late afternoon or evening: visit to the Cinque Terre villages• Dinner at he camping site or in a restaurant
Saturday, April 13, 2024
Circling and visit to Cinque Terre
- 1. 9:00 Meeting in the circle for birthday circling.2. Heading to the Cinque Terre villages3. Dinner in a restaurant or at the camping site
Sunday, April 14, 2024
Circling and visit to Cinque Terre
- 1. 9:00 Meeting in the circle for birthday circling.2. Heading to the Cinque Terre villages3. Dinner in a restaurant or at the camping site
Monday, April 15, 2024
Circling and visit to Cinque Terre
- 1. 9:00 Meeting in the circle for an organic circle.2. Heading to the Cinque Terre villages3. Dinner in a restaurant or at the camping site
Tuesday, April 16, 2024
End Circle and departure
- 1. Packing our stuff2. End circle3. Departure back home