Connection,Trust and Belonging by
communcating and relating

Compassion & Belonging
Upcoming Self-Exploration Trips
Get back in Touch with the Wisdom of your Body and Feelings and reconnect to your True Nature & Inner Guidance.
What if telling the Truth about what is really going on
inside us and being Vulnerable freed us
from our Conditionings?
Playful, Touching, Heart-Opening, Transformative & Magical
Having the Courage to express what is alive in us. Acknowledging and validating what is. Experiencing Adventure. Feeling alive. Being happy!
What if telling the Truth about what is really going on
inside us and being Vulnerable freed us
from our Conditionings?
Playful, Touching, Heart-Opening, Transformative & Magical
Having the Courage to express what is alive in us. Acknowledging and validating our feelings. Experiencing Adventure. Feeling alive. Being happy!
I have a Dream …
I imagine a World where we address the real
Cause of Suffering
instead of fixing symptoms and
finding replacements
A World where we stop substituting our
Real Needs
with consumption, success, money, power, fame,
distraction, relationships, sex and all kinds
of addictions which will never fill our
Inner Void
A World where we know that our feelings
of lack stem from our split off
Emotions, Feelings & Personality Parts
that we needed to suppress because they
weren’t welcome and our environment
didn’t know how to deal with them
A World full of Self-Responsible Human Beings
that are willing to face their
Suppressed Pain
to become
again and reconnect to their
True Nature, Inner Guidance & Creativity
A different Way of Communicating and Relating
A different Way of Communicating and Relating
Playful, Touching, Heart-Opening, Transformative & Magical
Playful, Touching, Heart-Opening, Transformative & Magical
I have a Vision …
of a World where we treat
each other with
Humility, Dignity, Vulnerability & Compassion
Self-Exploration Trips, Plant Medicine, Power Spots,
Nature, Rituals, Workshops
& Magic
Self-Exploration Trips, Plant Medicine, Power Spots,
Nature, Rituals, Workshops
& Magic
Do we want to keep on replacing our
Real Needs
with a cheap substitute that doesn’t work
and only creates misery?
Join us if you fancy a welcoming, humble, vulnerable and
compassionate environment that supports the
reintegration of our suppressed
Feelings, Emotions and Personality Parts
What is your Dream?
Welcome back home!
What participants say
Activities, Adventures, Experiences & Workshops
Group Experiences
Individual Experiences
Group Experiences
Individual Experiences
Upcoming Self-Exploration Trips
Funchal, Portugal
Funchal, PortugalJust Pure Being – Nature Retreat | Madeira | Portugal | 9 days
“Let your Heart be touched by the Miracles that happen when you feel profoundly connected and don’t have to be anybody!” A Journey from the limits of the Mind to the Wisdom of the Heart. Allowing the Flow of Abundance following the Path of Joy, Excitement & Playfulness. What we will do […] ...
Deiva Marina, SP, Italy
Deiva Marina, SP, ItalyEASTER! – Just Pure Being – Nature Retreat | Cinque Terre | Italy | 5 days
“Let your Heart be touched by the Miracles that happen when you feel profoundly connected and don’t have to be anybody!” A Journey from the limits of the Mind to the Wisdom of the Heart. Allowing the Flow of Abundance following the Path of Joy, Excitement & Playfulness. What we will do and […] ...
Austerlitz, Netherlands
Austerlitz, NetherlandsPsychoactive & Psychedelic Inner Journey with Magic Truffels | Psilocybin Trip | Heuvelrug National Park | Holland | 4 days
Theme & Topic Psychoactive truffles show us our true nature and also the mask or personality we had to build up in our childhood in order to maintain the pseudo-connection with our caretakers. This mask, personality or role was essential and life-saving during our childhood and necessary for our survival. We had to suppress our […] ...
St. Magdalena
St. Magdalena, Autonomous Province of Bolzano – South Tyrol, ItalyJust Pure Being – Nature Retreat | Odle di Funes | Dolomites | Italy | 5 days
“Let your Heart be touched by the Miracles that happen when you feel profoundly connected and don’t have to be anybody!’ A Journey from the limits of the Mind to the Wisdom of the Heart. Allowing the Flow of Abundance following the Path of Joy, Excitement & Playfulness. What we will do […] ...
Immenstadt im Allgäu, Germany
Immenstadt im Allgäu, GermanyJust Pure Being – Nature Retreat | Hochgrat Ridge | Neuschwanstein Castle | Allgäu | German Alps | 5 days
“Let your Heart be touched by the Miracles that happen when you feel profoundly connected and don’t have to be anybody!’ A Journey from the limits of the Mind to the Wisdom of the Heart. Allowing the Flow of Abundance following the Path of Joy, Excitement & Playfulness. What we will do […] ...
Kochel am See, Germany
Kochel am See, GermanyJust Pure Being – Nature Retreat | Herzogstand – Heimgarten Ridge – Walchensee | German Alps | 4 days
“Let your Heart be touched by the Miracles that happen when you feel profoundly connected and don’t have to be anybody!’ A Journey from the limits of the Mind to the Wisdom of the Heart. Allowing the Flow of Abundance following the Path of Joy, Excitement & Playfulness. What we will do […] ...
Grindelwald, Switzerland
Grindelwald, SwitzerlandJust Pure Being – Nature Retreat | Valley of 72 Waterfalls | Lauterbrunnen | Switzerland | 5 Days
“Let your Heart be touched by the Miracles that happen when you feel profoundly connected and don’t have to be anybody!’ A Journey from the limits of the Mind to the Wisdom of the Heart. Allowing the Flow of Abundance following the Path of Joy, Excitement & Playfulness. What we will […] ...
Ellmau, Austria
Ellmau, AustriaJust Pure Being – Nature Retreat | Wilder Kaiser | Austria | 5 days
“Let your Heart be touched by the Miracles that happen when you feel profoundly connected and don’t have to be anybody!’ A Journey from the limits of the Mind to the Wisdom of the Heart. Allowing the Flow of Abundance following the Path of Joy, Excitement & Playfulness. What we will […] ...
Stoos, Switzerland
Stoos, SwitzerlandJust Pure Being – Nature Retreat | Stoos Ridge & steepest funicular | Lake Lucerne | Risleten Gorge | Switzerland | 4 days
“Let your Heart be touched by the Miracles that happen when you feel profoundly connected and don’t have to be anybody!’ A Journey from the limits of the Mind to the Wisdom of the Heart. Allowing the Flow of Abundance following the Path of Joy, Excitement & Playfulness. What we will do and […] ...

My name is Oliver Farago and I am your host.
“I create spaces for connection.”
Multicultural. Nature Coach. Wilderness Mentor. Natur, Mindfulness & Resilience Trainer. TNDR Therapist. Videographer. Photographer & Nature Fanatic.